ProTot Sportsand
What We Offer
ProTot Sports is a unique sporting and physical development programme, specifically designed for Nursery, Pre-School and Primary School aged children.
We currently offer:
Nursery/Preschool/Primary: Weekly session/sessions for up to 16 children per class (up to 30 for Primary School sessions). These sessions can take place all-year round or term-time only and can be setting paid or parent paid.
PTS After School Club: Weekly sessions taking place at the school setting, indoors or outdoors. Sessions are parent paid. Number of children per club is 20 or 30 (dependant on available environment).
PTS Party: ProTot Sports themed parties for up to 20 children. The format for birthday parties is the same as our private/public sessions and includes a 30 minute activity tailored around one particular sport, of your choice. Multiple sessions/sports can be chosen for a party (for example, Football for 30 minutes, followed by a short cake break, then Tennis for another 30 minutes!).
Weekend PTS: Weekend sessions running on Saturday mornings, currently for ages 3-7yrs, currently (3&4yrs/4&5yrs/5&6yrs - groups). These sessions run all-year round (excluding Christmas) and are subscription based. Number of children per class is currently up to 16.

This progressive and innovative system provides a huge variety of activity and was compiled and structured by a small team of Sports Teaching professionals all of whom are multi-sport qualified and have Professional and Semi-Professional sporting experience.
Our programme for younger children (3 years) puts emphasis on body strength, body awareness, and motor coordination, along with emphasis towards specific skill acquisition for the variety of sports; such as kicking, catching, throwing, tracking and anticipation.
For older children (4+Years) the level of activity will steadily increase and technical skills and complex movements, related to the variety of sports coached, are performed at a higher standard and eventually performed at an autonomous level.
All equipment used by ProTot Sports is recommended by relevant Governing Bodies, including The Royal Society of Arts and follows the guidelines and information stated by Ofsted.
As with any good teaching system, the teaching equipment and techniques used during our programmes incorporate key elements of creative and imaginative play/learning aspects. All of which will become important throughout nursery life and into early school years.