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Additional Information



As with most Coaching/Teaching Systems there tends to be some cross-over of course content from other areas, for example;


  • Counting

  • Singing

  • Time

  • Animal impersonations

  • Noises

  • Time and distance (Two and three dimensional)

  • How and why things happen

  • Imaginative/creative movement

  • Equipment selection capabilities

  • Observation and listening techniques


All of which are used as aids to develop a child’s physical and technical capabilities, enhance their enjoyment and embellish work being done in other areas of Nursery, Pre-School and School life.




As with most activities appropriate clothing is important, particularly from a safety aspect.

For the most part common sense prevails, but we have found in the past that some girls have worn long dresses/skirts, which can naturally impede their mobility, so some form of leggings or shorts are more appropriate. Footwear should always be some form of appropriate “trainer” or plimsoll. 


Free Demonstrations


In our experience a ‘taster session’ has proven and supported the philosophy, “a demonstration speaks a thousand words”. In practical situations, it is often difficult to imagine how your children will respond to the introduction of a new person (Coach) and a new activity. Equally, it is not always possible to describe in words the level of participation and enjoyment that may be experienced by the children. For these reasons, we invite you to allow us the opportunity to work with the children in a “live” session, giving a good example and small sample of what we do and to discuss your thoughts with you and your staff.


Early Years Foundation Stage


The Early Years Foundation Stage is a framework for children up to the age of five, setting out six key areas of learning around which activities should be based.


ProTot Sports adheres to and falls in line with the Development section of the EYFS.


The development section covers:


  • Personal, social and emotional development

  • Communication, language and literacy

  • Problem solving, reasoning and literacy

  • Knowledge and understanding of the world

  • Physical development

  • Creative development


Course Procedure


  • Each individual session is of 30-minute duration and will take place at a convenient time on the same day each week. Due to the programme structure, it is not possible to alternate days and the children that we teach on a regular basis


  • Dependant on the session format (Nursery/Preschool/Primary or After School Club) a maximum of 16, 20 or 30 children can participate in one session (dependant on environment) and in circumstances where there is a larger amount then a second session can and will be run immediately after the first, and so on


  • Wherever possible, we suggest that the children are split into similar age groups and abilities


  • In normal circumstances the session will be focused around one particular sport for a period of 2-3 weeks


  • The session content is designed to be structured and progressive. It is intended that each session will contain an injection of new teaching material. The exception to this rule will arise if it is deemed appropriate by our teacher that the children will benefit from repetition of a specific skill/activity


  • Our teaching programme is designed to continue throughout the year and the school holidays should you require it and it be suitable to your particular environment


  • Due to the nature of our work and our commitment on a regular basis, we ask that any termination of the lessons should follow a notice period of one calendar month




It is standard procedure for us to send out forms to the parent/carer for photograph authorisation for use on the ProTot Sports website and social media channels.


Many of our Nurseries/Pre-Schools/Schools tend to display photos of the children participating in the lessons and it is for the specific use of the establishment in question.


Naturally, this will only occur with prior agreement from the decision maker.


Special Needs Children and Children With Disabilities


Whenever possible, we actively and appropriately encourage all children to participate in the sessions and be part of the “team”. Obviously each child will be different and will be considered on an individual basis. Normally sensible and appropriate arrangements are made in conjunction with the establishment and/or the parents.


“Children with special needs can benefit greatly from being included in a normal group. Equally, other children can learn to be caring and understanding towards people with special needs. The child’s parents will also value the support given by the group.” –Ref: Children Act 1989.


Non-discrimination Declaration


All ProTot Sports personnel value and respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages in a multi-racial society and are aware of physical, sensory and mental disabilities.


Each person (children and adults alike) is valued as individuals without gender or racial stereotyping.


Accident Procedure


The care of any injured person will be conducted in accordance to the St John Ambulance procedures as detailed in their First Aid Course. A member of staff from the establishment we are teaching at will be immediately alerted and advised of the status of the situation (In almost all cases the staff will be on hand to support the coach during delivery of the session).In the event of any person requiring hospital treatment, a parent or guardian will be informed immediately.


After any such event (at an appropriate moment) a record of the incident including the following information:


  • How the incident occurred

  • Time of incident

  • Nature/severity of any injury

  • First Aid administered and by whom

  • Medical advice given, if any, and by whom, along with who recorded the incident, would normally be entered into the Nursery/Pre-School/School Accident Book as a matter of course and a copy made available for our records here at PTS


Course Charges


The price of each 30-minute session is variable depending on the Nursery/Pre-School/School requirements. Multiple sessions (60 minute block or 90 minute block, for example) however, are offered at a concession.

Alternatively, establishments wishing to provide this as an optional activity may charge parents individually although payment should be arranged through a central host. Our charges may be adapted to suit particular requirements and can be discussed accordingly.

Annual Leave


In the event that your PTS Coach is away on Annual Leave during a time your sessions are scheduled, we will offer you the opportunity to reschedule the session/s to an alternative and suitable time/day.

In the event that this is not possible, then the session/s will be postponed until your PTS Coach has returned from Annual Leave (Typically not longer than two weeks).

Depending on available PTS Staff, we may also offer an alternative PTS Coach to cover your session/s while your regular Coach is away.                                     

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